Advanced Excel Online Courses

Microsoft Advanced Excel Online Courses

Excel Advanced Options

You will get Free access to our eLearning modules Includes 25+ Session with practice material for each modules.

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This session includes Microsoft Excel Advanced Level Options. It covers how to create Dashboard Filter, Advanced Filter, Complete PivotTable, Power Query, Record Macro, Charts, Subtotal, Text to Column, Name Manager, Import data from Access & Web, Goal seek etc.

Excel Advanced Formulas

You will get Free access to our eLearning modules Includes 25+ Session with practice material for each modules.

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This session includes Microsoft Excel Advanced Formulas. It covers how to work with 10 different types of VLOOKUP, Various use of XLOOKUP, FILTER, IF, Nested IF, INDEX MATCH, Multi criteria lookup, how to use Advanced Function with Advanced Options etc.

Excel PivotTable

You will get Free access to our eLearning modules Includes 10 Session with practice material for each modules.

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This session includes Microsoft Excel Advanced  PivotTable, How to create dynamic PivotTable, How to add Slicer and How to create Dashboard using Slicer, how to automatically change the Data Source and how to refresh PivotTable automatically  etc.

Advanced Excel Online Courses – Become an Excel Expert and increase your career potential

Microsoft Excel has proven to be one of the most important applications for businesses around the world. Excel is the most widely used application in business today, but very few people maximize its potential.

Explore most of the underutilized powerful features in Excel which helps to boost your productivity, improve your speed, save time, eliminate manual and non-value added activities in your day to day process.

We provide Advanced Excel Online Courses we teach Excel Advanced and Advanced pro Level. The syllabus covers all the required Formulas and Options used by working professionals who has 15+ years of experience, worked in various projects, companies and faced different challenges in their day to day process.

Our Excel Advanced Pro Formulas and Options have lot of surprise elements which you have never seen it before also it will make you to feel the power of Excel.

Our session will not just stop with teaching you the Excel Formulas and options, we go beyond to make you an expert in using the various options in real time scenario.

Why we should learn Advanced Excel?


Excel will make you better at your job


Create Dashboard for better decision making


Makes calculations of complex formulas easy


Eliminate manual work through Automating reports


Save 1000+ hours through Automating reports


Improve your Company productivity


It will increase your Salary


Sell yourself in the competitive Industries


Analyze data and make forecasting predictions


Gain practical experience with large spreadsheets

Syllabus – Microsoft Advanced Excel Online Courses

Excel Advanced Formulas


Our Excel Advanced  formulas have lot of surprise elements which you have never seen it before also it will make you to feel the power of Excel.

The sessions will include:

  • Introducing the above mentioned formulas
  • Different types of VLOOKUP
  • Multi criteria lookup
  • Various types of XLOOKUP
  • How to use advanced formulas with advanced options
  • How to use two or more advanced formulas together
  • Various use of OFFSET function
  • How to use/apply the excel formulae in various situations
  • How to combine two or more excel formulae to get desired results
  • How to combine the formulae with IF Condition
  • When should use the “IF” Conditions?
  • Creation of Multiple IF Conditions in One Cell
  • Use the IF Conditions with the Other Advance Functions
  • How to use nested IF statements in Excel with AND, OR Functions
Excel Advanced Options
  • Various Methods and Options of Pivot Table (End to End – Pivot Table Options)
  • Various Methods of Filter and Advance Filter options
  • Creating and Updating Subtotals
  • Various Methods of Text to Column options
  • Uses of Data Grouping & Ungrouping and Consolidation options
  • Uses of Goal Seek and Scenarios Manager
  • Various Method of Sorting Data
  • Creating, Formatting and Modifying Chart
  • Data Validation, creating drop down lists using different data sources
  • Linking Workbooks and Uses of Edit Link options
  • Formula Auditing features and Trace formula error
  • Uses of Name Manager
  • Various way to Protect and Share Workbook, Worksheet and Cell ranges
  • How to use Record Macro
  • Various way to use Conditional Formatting
  • Data Import from Access and Web
  • Various way to use Power Query
  • Various way How to use Power Pivot
Excel PivotTable
  1. PivotTable Basic
  2. PivotTable Options, Grouping, Expand and Collapse
  3. PivotTable Slicer
  4. PivotTable Refresh, Change Source, Action and Calculation
  5. PivotTable Chart and Dashboard
  6. PivotTable Options
  7. PivotTable Other options
  8. PivotTable Dashboard Using Slicer New

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Advanced Excel Online Courses

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